
WELCOME to the Connecting Health and Climate Change conference

#ENBEL2025 16-18 October 2025 in Tallinn, Estonia

The second edition of our transdisciplinary conference on Connecting Health and Climate Change #ENBEL provides an arena to present research findings and discuss climate change effects on health, adaptation, societal consequences and opportunities for climate resilient development.

The conference brings together researchers, experts, policymakers and other key stakeholders working on climate change and health. It is a three day event with research sessions, poster presentations and excursions, relevant for senior and early career researchers, policy makers and civil society organisations.

The conference objectives include

  • Enhance networking and transdisciplinary research collaboration across climate and health knowledge communities
  • Inform evidence-based policy development
  • Generate potential for knowledge creation and new research initiatives
  • Facilitate knowledge exchange, learning and cooperation

We will build on the success of the first ENBEL2023 conference, maintain and expand the connections between research groups globally, and with policy makers and relevant stakeholders.

The conference topics include

    • Social justice, Inequalities and Gendered Impacts
    • Health Impact and Adaptation Indicators
    • Earth Observation and Modelling Approaches for Adaptation
    • One Health Approach to Address Human Health
    • Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation
    • Key Climate and Health Strategies in LMICs
    • Modelling Approaches for Projections
    • Community-led Solutions and Citizens Science
    • Climate Resilient and Sustainable Health Systems
    • Social Vulnerabilities Amplifying Climate Risks
    • Health Co-benefits of Mitigation and Adaptation
    • Climate Communications and Innovative tools
    • Systemic, Policy and Economic Approaches for Climate and Health
    • Climate Change and Mental Health
    • Working on a Hotter Planet

After #ENBEL2025 conference the abstract book will be published. Also, the special issue in the scientific journal will be launched.

Quotes from 2023 conference participants and speakers

The 2023 ENBEL conference provided a powerful opportunity to listen to what is working, where, and to learn how we can quickly act on implementing the climate and health solutions that we urgently need. The conference brought together an impressive cross-section of policymakers, researchers and practitioners, which is vital for the scale and effort that is demanded of us all. Congratulations to the ENBEL consortium for their vision and leadership to successfully conduct this conference; it is a critical element for our applied research global community, Kathryn Bowen, Professor of Environment, Climate and Global Health at The University of Melbourne, Deputy Director of Melbourne Climate Future and IPCC Lead Author AR6. 

The ENBEL conference was unique in that it brought together diverse actors in the climate and health science communities, which have few opportunities for exchange...It is important to the climate change and health communities to continue to have an opportunity to come together to ensure health is at the centre of action to address the climate crisis. Cathryn Tonne, Research Professor at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, co-director of the Lancet Countdown for Health and Climate Change in Europe

The conference and the panel of great speakers far exceeded my expectations. Without doubt, the #ENBEL2023 conference on Connecting Health and Climate Change has been the most fruitful conference I have had the chance to attend. Tomáš Janoš, Postdoctoral Researcher, Masaryk University

The #ENBEL2023 conference served as an excellent forum for the exchange of ideas regarding the global impact of climate change, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing these critical issues. The presentations and discussions influenced my approach to addressing the connections between health and climate change, particularly within the context of my home country Kenya", said Martha Oguna, University of Washington, Kenya.



Contacts of organizer

Regarding conference program etc please contact Triinu Kurruk
Regarding travel and lodging issues etc please contact Krista Kaufmann

Important Important