Stand : C-53

We're called foodies, food freaks or even culinary hedonists. Whatever the label, we are always true to ourselves. We accept all that life has to offer and enjoy our mission to the fullest. We have been given senses to use, and that is what we do.

When you combine the ancient Japanese traditional kamado with NASA's innovative ceramic technology, you get the perfect modern day field house - the Big Green Egg. Use it to boil, bake, grill, braise or smoke, and you won't believe the subtle and extraordinary flavour it creates.

Whether it's freezing or blazing outside, you can use your EGG all year round. So line up that succulent antrekoot, unrivalled fish in a savoury crust, poached prawns, dark stew, crusty bread, perfect-bottomed pizzas or mouth-watering desserts. Want to skip the meat for a day? How about making stuffed peppers, roasted beetroot soup and Capri bruschetta for a change in the right EGG?

Views count
14 097
159 Days to Go
Opening on 01.04.25
Interior 2025

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